Easter Basket

Easter Basket


Bountiful Bunny has been Busy!

Celebrate Easter with our EGG-stravaganza basket: 2 Sweet Chix (available exclusively in our Bountiful Basket) 2 Egg-Cetera Ganache Eggs,. 4 pieces “Temptation” Box, 1 Beau Bunny, 1 Bella Bunny, 3 pieces Energizing Espresso chocolate bouquet, 1- Bunny Trax, and custom Egg box with 5 Spring flavor chocolates All tied up with ribbons, bows, & all the flourishes!

*Colors and patterns may vary depending on availability.

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Whats in the Basket

We'll it's up to you, but to help you make a decision click on each image for more details.


Dreamy BItes



Find the ingredients for each truffle on our chocolates page.


Note: While our chocolates are free of : wheat, eggs, dairy, soy, tree nuts and/or peanuts, they are processed in a facility where other products are made that contain or may contain these ingredients..

Delight 8-PC Chocolate Gift Box 8-Piece-Box_insert.png

Delight 8-PC Chocolate Gift Box



Delight + Indulgence Vegan Chocolate Box vegan chocolate truffles

Delight + Indulgence Vegan Chocolate Box

from $39.99
Create Your Own Custom Gift Basket EB-1.jpeg

Create Your Own Custom Gift Basket

Create Your Own 10 PC  Gift Box Red-Box-Xmass-berries_ret.jpg

Create Your Own 10 PC Gift Box
